



The Postulancy is a period of a preparation for the religious life. The aim of the postulancy is two fold :
1) To promote a human and spiritual maturity of the candidate that will make her aware of God s call and dispose her to make a progressive transition from life in the world  to the life of novitiate .
2) To allow the authorities  to know the candidate  and judge the whether she has the human , emotional and spiritual maturity needed to assume the obligation of religious life . Emphasis is placed on the candidates total development , so that she is prepared to make her choice freely and responsibly. Each candidate is guided and encouraged to deepen her religious knowledge and interior life. The postulants spend eight months in the formation house under the leadership of a mistress. Then about four months they go for exposure   programmes  of real life experience in the apostolate and community life .There They have the opportunities to involve in various apostolic works of the congregation .