
Social Work

Social Work

Udaya Social Apostolate Projects and Programmes
CMC constitution envisages that total commitment to Christ is an obligation to the cause of the poor and the pauper and the unfortunate and the unprivileged, especially women and children. There have been many attempts to eradicate the misery of poverty, but we, through our social evangelization, try to instill a sense of self-esteem in the marginalized so that they can overcome their own destitution. Therefore, we have envisioned our social projects and programmes of participatory development with peoples involvement.
2009-12 Chronicles
To improve the quality of life and subjective well-being of individuals and groups we devised the following plans and projects and successfully implemented them. Under Home for the Homeless project 55 families were assisted. 102 middle aged women profited from Income Generation Project. 55 Catholic girls received financial assistance from a project named Revolving Fund Scheme for Higher Education. Above 110 families enjoyed the benefits of House Repairing and Maintenance Scheme. Worthy of mention are the schemes such as Micro Enterprise Units and Drivers SouhredaSangam. Besides all these, there were Marriage Help schemes and awareness programs.
2012-2013 Feats
From the earliest organized social welfare activities such as the formation of burial societies, provision of alms to the poor, shelter for the homeless, and care and comfort for the sick, the concept of social work and social apostolate have treaded a long way. Here is a brief testimony of milestones of our original contribution to social apostolate.
Udaya Auto-Sarathy  Project
As per the Economic Review Report 2012, Kerala is in fourth position in unemployment level among states of India, with an unemployment level of 9.9 percent. To put it in other words, there are 45 lakh unemployed persons in Kerala. Since unemployment among educated youths is the major issue facing the state, CMC Udaya Social Evangelization focused on this area and launched a pioneering project named Udaya Auto-Sarathy to be at least a speck of light. According to our diagnosis,even self-employment schemes of the banks do not help the poor since accumulation of interest for the loan money work adversely. Therefore, we initiated this project, according to which, there are two advantages worthy of mention, namely the beneficiaries get a loan with zero interest and there is a subsidy of Rs. 50,000 totally free. This year we provided Rs. 20,00,000 (twenty lakhs for twelve persons) to purchase twelve auto-rickshaw/auto-taxi/fish carrier.
We are very to place on record that many other provinces were so inspired by this innovative project that they too commenced it in their respective geographical areas. 
Udaya Single-Sewing Machine Project
Out of the above-mentioned 45 lakhs unemployed persons 27 lakhs are women. To be a ray of luminosity in the realm of women empowerment we introduced another project by name Udaya Single-Sewing Machine Project, according to which beneficiaries get a loan with zero interest and a laudable 50% subsidy. This year we offered 105 sewing machines to 105 women.
Udaya Housing Scheme
Close on the heels of the Zero Landless Project of Kerala Government is Udayasaim of making Kerala the Zero Homeless State. The motto was this: building homes for the poor through mutual co-operation and responsibility under the supervision of the local social promoter and local superior. As per our visualization, the modus operandi of this project is:
Beneficiaries contribution Rs. 50,000/-
CMC local community mobilizes Rs. 2,00,000/-
Provincial Social Evangelization Department provides Rs. 2,50,000/-.
To put it simply, a person who can afford to contribute fifty thousand rupees to have a house of his/her own get a aid of 4.5 lakhs rupees. As an initial sign of this dream project, we are building 24 houses, out of which 20 houses are completed. We are proud to announce that animpressive 60 lakhs rupees were spent on this project this year alone.  We hope that at least some sons men would have a decent place to lay their head.
Higher Education Aid for Job-oriented Courses
This project is mainly aimed at emancipation and empowerment of women through education since knowledge means power. We envisage providing financial aid to poor girl students for job-oriented courses such as BSc Nursing, General Nursing, BEd, Teacher Training Course etcetera. The mode of operation is this:
Total grant:            Rs. 30,000/-
UdayaSubsidy:      Rs. 10,000/-
Pay back:              Rs. 20,000/- (20 instalments of 1000 rupees per month)
The project is envisioned to continue interminably, unless otherwise decided, through the rotation of the recurring funds. 
Infrastructure Facilities Augmented
Improvement of the living standard of poor people is another facet of social evangelization envisioned by CMC Udaya Province. Accordingly, we provided a set of five chairs and a table to 100 poor families.
In the Field of De-Addiction
Kerala is it Gods own country or Bacchus own country! Kerala tops the country in alcohol consumption! It has been rising alarmingly for many years. Notwithstanding the global economic recession, sales of liquor touched an all-time high at Rs. 8,841 crore for fiscal 2012-13. While 15-20 percent of the population consumes liquor in the country, it is 30-35 percent in Kerala, according to A. P. Udayabanu Commission. There needs no further proof that the biggest menace threatening both family ties and health care is addiction to alcohol. Sensing the danger we plunged into the process of de-addiction by extending financial aid for treatment. As a starting gesture, we provide 10,000 rupees for each persons treatment, and the beneficiary has to return 8000 rupees when he begins to work, and 2000 rupees is Udayassubsidy. There is a definite purpose for making it mostly a loan than a grant namely making the beneficiaries responsible and occupied. As per now, there are seven beneficiaries.
Solace to Aids Patients Navjeevan Programme
National adult HIV prevalence is almost 0.31% with almost 3 million people live with this sickness of social stigma. We are committed to bring Gods solace to them. Right now, last Saturday of every month 25 HIV infected families gather together to hear the word of God, praise and worship and sharing. They share a meal of solidarity and love. Each one of them receives a food kit for their special nourishment alongside travel expense. 
Besides all these, we have regular social evangelization programmes such as participation in prison ministry, awareness programmes in schools to safeguard them against child abuse and education of child protection. We have regular family gathering of auto-drivers, elders forum and women employees forum.